Prayer near the end of Lent

Here’s a Lenten prayer from Rev. Mary Austin. It was posted on RevGalBlogPals.


Prayer as Lent winds down


Lent’s days are winding down, Merciful God,

and we are no closer to having contrite hearts.

Our small complains still loom large,

and we don’t hurry to show mercy, or rush to be kind.


The old habits of Fat Tuesday are still alluring,

and we resist the emptiness of the desert that reveals you –

the places where you make yourself known to us,

where you wait in the quiet for us to be ready, still feel alien.


Yet, Loving God, we come to you,

trying to lose our lives for the life you offer,

seeking the wisdom of our brother Jesus,

hoping to be blown open by the Spirit.


Bring us fully into your Lenten gifts, we pray,

and accept the Lenten gifts we offer to you.  Amen.


~ written by Rev. Mary Austin and posted on RevGalBlogPals.