Words about Wilderness: A Lenten Reflection

Here’s a reflection on “wilderness” from Ann Siiddall at the Stillpont Spirituality Centre.

Words about Wilderness

Christianity began in a culture
where “desert” and “wilderness” were familiar environments,
both respected and feared as the place
where angels and demons might be found.

In wild, desolate places God’s people
have been shaped by their struggles,
and have found that rocks have yielded water,
and manna has appeared on the ground.

Beware of the comfort of our lives,
where we grow complacent and over-confident,
and where discernment is limited
to choosing which products to buy.

In this country of Australia,
may we not forget the metaphors
of wilderness and desert, so familiar
to indigenous people and early settlers.
Our journey may be into an inner desert:
a place where motivation and desire
is purified, and we find ourselves refined
and strengthened in spirit.

Jesus, whose formation included wilderness,
will be at our side to pray for us,
will wipe away our tears, and place bread
into the hands which have clutched at stones.

~ written by Ann Siddall, and posted on the website of the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre.  http://www.stillpointsa.org.au/