Prayer of Confession

Here’s is a unison prayer of confession, written by Gill Le Fevre for use on the first Sunday of Lent, Year C (though it is broad enough to be used at any time).  


Prayer of Confession


Merciful God,

You see deep into our hearts

and know us better than we know ourselves.

Forgive us we pray.

For the times we turn away from Your word,

remind us that You are the Lord our God,

our eternal protector and guide.

For our impulses of anger and jealousy, scorn or spite,

grant us Your healing peace.

For our resistance to forgiveness, generosity and mercy,

inspire us with Your compassionate love.


Assurance of Forgiveness


Welcome now the abundant grace of God:

in Jesus, your sins are forgiven.

And let God's love comfort and heal your soul.


Redeeming God,

in You, we are always welcome and accepted,

always forgiven and renewed.

Draw us closer to You, today and always. Amen.


~ submitted by Gill Le Fevre