Call to Worship: Luke 13

Here’s a responsive call to worship inspired by Luke 13:6-9. It was written Stephen Fearing, and posted on his Liturgy & Hymns website.

Call to Worship
(inspired by Luke 13:6-9)

The season of Lent can be barren and lonely,
but God goes with us
through the wild wilderness.
Our lives are lived
in seasons of transitions and transformations.
Lent is a time to ponder
God's providence and persistence.
Together, we seek fruitfulness,
for it has been promised to us;
the barrenness of Lent
will give way to the fruitfulness of Easter.
In this season of penitence and pondering,
let us gather before God.
We come, as a family,
to wait for the Lord with strength and courage.
Come, let us worship God!

~ written by Stephen Fearing, and posted on Liturgy & Hymns by Stephen M. Fearing.