Call to Worship: God's Ways

Here’s a responsive call to worship from Tim Graves’s LiturgyBits blog. (See link below.)

Call to Worship

Out of a world of cut-throat competition,
of winners-and-losers,
and too many left behind
we come together.
The world’s ways are not our ways.
The world’s ways are not Christ’s ways.

Out of a world of hatred, violence,
individualism, and life-taking power
we gather as Koinonia, as God’s people.
God’s ways are inclusive, expansive,
and life-giving for all peoples.

Come and worship the One whose love knows no limits! 
Swim and splash in the cleansing waters of divine community!
Resurrect your spirits and souls in worship of the One!
Praise be to the Everlasting One!

~ written by Tim Graves, and posted on LiturgyBits.