a responsive call to worship for Ash Wednesday worship from Tim Graves’s LiturgyBits blog.
Call to Worship for Ash Wednesday
For just such a time as this,
we were made.
we were made.
In the image of God,
loving, grace-giving, and wise,
we are created to be the hands,
hearts, and feet of divinity.
loving, grace-giving, and wise,
we are created to be the hands,
hearts, and feet of divinity.
We gather on this Ash Wednesday,
not because we must,
not to puff ourselves up,
but to start out on the trail
leading to the resurrection.
not because we must,
not to puff ourselves up,
but to start out on the trail
leading to the resurrection.
~ excerpted from “An Ash Wednesday
Liturgy” written by Tim Graves and posted on LiturgyBits. You can find the whole liturgy here: