Prayer of Confession: Teach Us to Love

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by Jesus’ teaching in Luke 6:27-38 and Matthew 5:38-48. It was written by Todd Yonkman and posted on his

Prayer of Confession

God, we are so conditioned to respond in kind.
We are so worried that when the reckoning comes,
we will find ourselves left with the short end of the stick.
And not without reason.
The powerful take and take and lie and lie
and oppress and oppress
seemingly without consequence.

Teach us to love with skill.
Teach us to love with precision.
Teach us to love with abandon,
trusting that when we step into
the ocean of your abundant love
we will receive the blessings of your abundant life. Amen.

~ written by Todd Yonkman and posted on his website, Todd Grant Yonkman.