Prayer for Others: Those who are overlooked

Here’s a prayer of intercession and petition inspired by Luke 4:22. It was posted on the Weekly Worship page of the Christian Aid website.


Prayer for Others and Ourselves

(inspired by Luke 4:22)


“They said, ‘Is not this Joseph’s son?’” (Luke 4:22)
God of grace and clarity, 
We pray for people who are overlooked, unnoticed, 
hidden away by policy, 
in the corners of our minds, of our society, of our world.
We give thanks for the people who look us in the eye, 
Who do not flinch at our humanity, 
Who do not turn away from our vulnerability, 
Who see us with the eyes of love, 
that different way of seeing.
Give us your grace and clarity among us and within us; 
Your different way of seeing.
~ originally posted on the Monthly Prayers page (now Weekly Worship) of the Christian Aid website.