Opening Prayer: God of Jubilee

Here’s an opening prayer of invocation inspired by Luke 4:18-19 (Isaiah 61:1). It was written by Rev. Gord, and posted on Worship Offerings.


Prayer of Invocation

(inspired by Luke 4:18-19, Isaiah 61:1)


God of Jubilee, God of freedom,

from oppression and healing for the afflicted,
we gather to share your Good News.

We gather to be transformed as the world is changed.

In this time of worship,
may we be fed in body and soul.
As we sing and pray,

as we break the bread and pour the cup,
may the Spirit of the Lord fall upon us,

may we be refreshed, anointed, and empowered.

And when our time of worship is ended,
send us back out into the world to proclaim the Good News.

We pray in the name and memory of Jesus,
our Rock and Redeemer,

our Teacher and Guide,

in whom we find the path that leads to the Kingdom. Amen.


~ posted by Rev Gord on his blog, Worship Offerings.