Opening Prayer for Evening Worship

Here’s a simple prayer for evening worship. It was written by Josh Walker and posted on Lighting Beacons.

Evening Prayer

Father God,
We rest in you.

Jesus the Son,
We rest in you.

Holy Spirit,
We rest in you.


Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

O God,
you create all things,
drawing them to yourself.
You made time, space, and matter from nothing,
and yet through you they are given life and meaning.
May the words of these prayers,
brought from nothing,
rise to you as a sufficient offering of praise and thanksgiving. Amen

~ written by Josh Walker, in “Sunday Evening Prayer,” posted on Lighting Beacons.