A Prayer for Epiphany

Here’s a prayer for Epiphany from Benjamin Smith, an M.Div. student at Mercer University. It was posted on his daily prayer blog. 

Epiphany Prayer

Eternal God,
You sent Mary on a journey to Egypt
and led Hagar through the desert.
You lit the wilderness way for Moses
and produced manna for his family.

Send us into this new year
with fire to see by, bread to live by,
and family to travel with,
as we follow your voice in the world.

Where you go, O Lord, we will go;
and where we lodge, you will lodge,
for we are your people,
and you are our God.  Amen. 
~ Benjamin, an M.Div student at Mercer University. Posted on his daily prayer blog. http://moonhat.blogspot.com/