Prayer: Where are the Leaders?

Here’s a prayer for good leadership from John van de Laar’s Sacredise website.

Prayer for Good Leaders

There are so many people of influence in our world, Jesus,
Those with loud voices and deep pockets,
those with large lives and wide networks.
But, where are the leaders?

As we struggle to keep our broken humanity
from splintering into countless irreparable fragments;
As we wrestle with our greed and arrogance,
our ignorance and short-sightedness,
our violence and coldness,
our carelessness and narcissism,
Where are the leaders?

Raise up for us, O God, leaders worthy of the name,
men and women who like Christ
are unafraid of challenge,
unashamed of serving,
and unattached to their own personal gain;
men and women who like Christ
call to the best within us,
and then lead the way.

And, in our own small spheres, God,
may we be the leaders we seek.

~ written by John van de Laar and posted on Sacredise.