Prayer for All Saints

Here’s a prayer for thanksgiving and intercession from Rev. Karla. It was posted on RevGalBlogPals.

Prayer for All Saints

Holy One
of days and nights,
of sinners and saints,
of right and left
and everything between and beyond,
We are grateful for all Your presence
that abides in every corner of our living.

You lurk quietly in the loneliest places in our hearts,
keeping watch.
You grieve with us in our devastations,
our losses, our fears.
You journey with us in our celebrations, our defeats,
and even in the monotony of our days.
You delight in us, and love us.

May we live in that love and delight,
knowing that as we sink into You we might become more like You,
wanting life and grace for this world
and all peoples and creatures that live upon it.

We pray for this world,
for the places and precious people
who are striving to recover from hurricanes
and floods and raging fires.

We pray for peace among nations,
and make us instruments of that peace.

We pray for our children and our youth
that they may be surrounded by protection,
and also be challenged to be all of who they have been created to be.

We give you thanks,
for all of the saints in our lives,
those who are living and those of blessed memory.

We pray this prayer for Love’s sake,

~ written by Rev. Karla Miller, Minister for Community Life at Old North Church UCC in Marblehead, Massachusetts. It was posted on RevGalBlogPals.