Challenge: Deny Yourself

Here is an invitation inspired by Jesus’ invitation to “Deny yourself, and take up your cross and follow me (see Mark 8:24, Matthew 16:24 and Luke 9:23). 

Invitation to Follow

Abandon the illusion you're a self-contained individual.
Be a part of this wounded world,
and find yourself with Christ.

Set aside your own desires,
give yourself fully for others;
be the hands and heart of Jesus.

Renounce self-protection,
accept your brokenness,
and reach out for love.

Let go of your own plans.
Join in the healing of the world.
You will not be alone.

Follow your soul, not your ego.
Follow it right into people's suffering.
Follow it right into the heart of God.

Pour yourself out;
let the world pour in;
then you are one with the Beloved.

~ written by Steve Garnaas-Holmes and posted on Unfolding Light.