Call to Worship: James 5, Psalm 124

Here’s a responsive call to worship inspired by Psalm 124 and James 5:13-20 (two of the suggested scripture readings for Proper 21, Year B). It was posted on the Worship Elements page of the Ministry Matters website.


Call to Worship

(inspired by Psalm 124 and James 5)


If it had not been God who was on our side,
the troubles of our world would have swallowed us whole.
If it had not been God who was on our side,
the sorrows of our times would have swept us away.
Are any among us suffering?
Come and pray.
Are any among us cheerful?
Come sing songs of praise.
Are any among us sick?
Come and ask for healing.
Our help is in our God,
the One who made heaven and earth.
Call upon God, creator and rescuer.
God is on our side.


~ posted on the Worship Elements page of the Ministry Matters website.