Prayer for the Offering

Here’s an invitation to the offering and a prayer of dedication. It comes from the Life in Liturgy website (link below).

Invitation to the Offering
Giving is not a casual act—
it relates God’s work to our work.
Peter writes:
“as each has received a gift,
employ it for one another,
as good stewards of God’s varied grace,
that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”

Let us give as people
whose work is inextricably linked to God’s great works
of creation, redemption and empowerment.

Offertory Prayer
Almighty God,
giver of every good and perfect gift,
teach us to give to you all that we have and all that we are,
that we may praise you not with our words only,
but with our whole lives.

~ posted on Life in Liturgy.