Opening Prayer: Open Our Ears

Here’s a responsive prayer of invocation from Joanna Harader’s Spacious Faith website.

Prayer: Open Our Ears

Whispering God,
the noise of the world is loud.
Open our ears to your still, small, voice.
God of revelation,
the darkness of the world threatens.
Open our eyes to the light of your presence.
God of abundance,
we cling tightly to so many things.
Open our hands in generosity and joy.
God of all people,
we feel the fear of those who are “other.”
Open our arms to the stranger and the enemy.
God of mystery,
we want so desperately to understand you.
Open our minds to the depths of your truth.
Creating God,
we long to know your presence.
Open our hearts to receive your love.

~ written by Joanna Harader and posted on Spacious Faith.