Border Crossers: A Reflection

In the wake of the American government’s decision to intentionally separate children from their parents when crossing the American/Mexican border, Claudio Carvalhaes has put together a “Worship Service in Solidarity with Unaccompanied Minors Crossing the Borders.” It includes this reflection. (See below for link to the entire service.) 

Reflection: Crossing Borders

Abraham was a border crossing
Isaac was a border crosser
Jacob was a border crosser
Joseph was a border crosser
Moses was a border crosser
Hagar was a border crosser
Ana was a border crosser
Esther was a border crosser
Lidia was a border crosser
Joseph, Mary and Jesus were border crossers in the midst of a genocide
The Holy Spirit crossed borders to start the church
And is still crossing borders today
Churches are border crossing places
We are border crossing people, all of us with no exception
No human being is illegal. None!
This country and every country are made of border crossers
We are heirs of border crossing people
We must attend the borders without ceasing

~ from “Worship Service in Solidarity with Unaccompanied Minors Crossing the Borders” by Claudio Carvalhaes. Posted on his website at /