Confession: Acts 4

Here’s an act of confession inspired by Acts 4:32-35 and 1 John 1-2.  It was written by Laura Jaquith Barlett, and posted on the Ministry Matters website.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Acts 4: 32-35)

God of mercy,
we come celebrating our unity,
but we confess the many ways
that we are divided.
Our nationality, ethnic origin, economic status,
gender, age, and musical preferences
all too often obscure the common calling
we share in Christ’s name.
May our common identity as your children
and our communal witness to Christ
bind us together in your name.
Forgive our tendency toward separation and division,
and remind us that we are your Easter people.

Words of Assurance
(based on 1 John 1–2)

When we walk in the light of Christ,
we have fellowship with one another.
When we confess our sins,
the One who is faithful and just forgives our sins
and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
For in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
God has showered mercy upon the entire world. Amen.

~ written by Laura Jaquith Barlett, and posted on Ministry Matters.