Call to Worship: John 3: 14-21

Here’s a call to worship inspired by John 3:14-21. It was written by Ann Siddall and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre website. 

Call to Worship
(inspired by John 3:14-21)

Friends of God, believe this –
God loved the world,
God loves the world,
we are the beloved!

May the truth of this great love story,
shine through our worship today,
and renew our sense of calling.

So come, with your tiredness,
your frustrations and your discouragements;
come with your doubts, your fears,
and your longings;
come, to discover yet again
how Jesus reveals God’s love and mercy.

Come, in friendship to God
and to each other,
and in friendship to the world,
to listen for God’s Word to us,
to offer our prayers,
and to renew our calling.

Friends of God,
let us worship!

~ written by Ann Siddall, and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre website.