Confession & Promise of Forgiveness: Lent 2B

Here’s a responsive prayer of confession, with words of assurance, from Daniel Flucke (see link below). It is based on the suggested scripture readings for Lent 2B: Mark 8:31-38, Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, and Romans 4:13-25.

Prayer of Confession

Jesus calls us to deny ourselves.
Yet we trust in our own works
rather than in God’s grace.
Jesus calls each of us to take up our cross.
Yet rather than allow our selfishness and sin to be put to death,
we cling to what we know.
Jesus calls us to follow him.
Yet we fear where faith will lead
and what it might change in our lives.
In this moment of silence,
we confess the sin that separates us
from one another and from God.

Silence for reflection & self-examination

Words of Assurance

People of God, hear this good news.
God’s covenant with us is true.
God is faithful even when we fail.
Through the Holy Spirit,
God gives us the gift of faith and makes us righteous.
Believe in the good news
that you are set free to live as children of God.
Amen. Thanks be to God! 

~ written by Daniel Flucke, pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Greene, Iowa. Posted on Daniel Flucke.