Litany of Confession: A New Way

Here’s a confession suitable for Peace Sunday, Memorial Day, or Remembrance Day.  It was posted on the Main Street Congregational Church website.

Confession:  A New Way

Remember, O God, the people of this world,
divided into many nations, religions and tongues.

Deliver us from every evil
that stands in the way of your saving purpose
and fulfill  the promise of peace on earth
among those with whom you are well  pleased.

Help us find a new way, God,
to turn from the curse of  war
and the human sin that causes war;
a way from pride that turns its back on you;
from unbelief that will not bow to you,
away from self-righteousness that will not compromise,
from selfishness that glories in the oppression of others,
from the lust for property or power that drives humanity to kill,
from trusting in the weapons of war
and mistrusting the councils of peace,
from hearing, believing and speaking lies
about other nations and religions,
from ground-less suspicions and fears
that stand in the way of reconciliation,
from words and deeds that encourage discord, prejudice and hatred;
from everything that prevents the human family
from fulfilling your promise of peace.

And now, O God,
hear our private confessions we lift up to you now in silence....  

~ posted on the Main Street Congregational Church website.