Confession: Like a Shepherd

Here is a prayer of confession inspired by passages like Psalm 23, John 10:11-18 and Psalm 100. It was written by Rev Dan Carmichael, Minister of Lenzie Union. It was posted on The Church of Scotland’s Weekly Worship website.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Psalm 23, Psalm 100 and John 10:11-18)

Lord, like a shepherd,
You never stop searching for Your people,
Your care for us anticipates our need.
Before we recognized we needed Your grace,
in love, Jesus gave His life for our forgiveness.

We confess that we need Your forgiveness,
we confess our sins:
You are the shepherd  and we are Your flock,
but we admit the times we have tried to take Your place  
and take control ourselves.
We admit that we have not always trusted
Your good news to be good for us.
At times we have pleaded with You to care for us,
but we have held back from caring for others
and ignored the needs of others.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
Forgive us in the name of Jesus.
Loving shepherd, 
teach us by the Holy Spirit to follow You
in the days and places of the weeks ahead.
Through Jesus Christ we pray, Amen

~ written by Rev Dan Carmichael, Minister of Lenzie Union. It was posted on The Church of Scotland’s Weekly Worship website.