Prayer of Lament

Becky Bonham from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) recently shared this beautiful prayer of lament with me. She wrote it on September 27, 2017, in response to recent political events and humanitarian crises. Not long after, the city of Edmonton experienced a terrorist attack.

Prayer of Lament

To the One who calls us Beloved,
We bring hurting hearts to you this morning,
Our fearfulness, and our worry.
Our anger.

Our world is not as it should be.

The ones with power make decisions for their own benefit
In a show of might,
they flirt with war and destruction
But the most desperate among us are left to fend for themselves.

The proud and the comfortable say,
“Everything is fine. There is no problem.”
But those without privilege know better.
They hunger, they weep, they bleed.
They wait for your justice to vindicate them – before it’s too late!

In a world where hate is a virtue and exclusion a way of life
It is hard to hold on to what unites
It is tough to find common ground
Our humanity is lost in the scuffle.

Those of us who wish for peace forget how to make it
Or where to begin
And fall into hopelessness, cynicism or despair
We too begin to feel powerless
in the face of widespread suffering and systemic evil

Even our planet seems ready to crack
under the pressure of forces that are beyond us

Earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, volcanoes
Nature groans – and with it, your people.

Come, Lord Jesus, we pray.

When will you come?
When will you make right?

We are not strong enough, not wise enough, not good enough
To make peace, to bring healing

But you are,

You are the one who planted peace in our hearts
You are the one who will make it come to pass.

Come, Lord Jesus.

Strengthen the bruised reed.
Make weapons into ploughshares.
Comfort the weary and heavy-laden.
Make a home for the homeless.
Still the waters.
Calm the storm.

Come, Lord Jesus, you and your kingdom,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Your will be done.

~ written by Becky Bonham for a chapel service at Taylor Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.