Prayer for the Rohingya Refugees

“God gives justice to the oppressed,
and food to the hungry.
God frees the prisoners,
and opens the eyes of the blind.
God lifts up those who are weighed down…
protects the foreigners among us…
cares for the orphans and widows….”

~ from Psalm 146

Compassionate God,
with heavy hearts we bring the plight of the Rohingya refugees before You.
God, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who were victims of the violent attacks:
those who were injured, assaulted or killed,
or who watched helplessly as family members were attacked.
We pray for those who lost loved ones to the violence;
who had to leave them behind or bury them in haste.
We pray for those who carry physical or psychological wounds.
God, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the thousands of people
who were forced to flee their homes and villages,
who watched as everything they owned went up in flames,
and who fled with just what they could hastily grab.
We pray for those who are still hiding in the jungle;
those who are still looking for shelter and safety.
God, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the many Rohingya refugees who,
after walking for days,
now find themselves in make-shift shelters
or hastily organized refugee camps –
uncertain about their future
and worried about where they will find food.
God, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We offer our prayers for those who are at work
behind the scenes in Myanmar,
attempting to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
Give them wisdom and courage in their task.
God, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We also pray for the member agencies of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank
who are actively responding to the Rohingya crisis.
Give them good access to the refugees who need their help,
and provide the emotional, financial and material resources they require
to meet the needs they find among the people there.
God, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Finally, God, we pray for ourselves.
We do not know these people;
we do not speak their language.
They are so far away.
And yet, they are Your children, and our brothers and sisters.
Soften our hearts to feel their pain;
open our hands to respond with generosity.
So may Your will be done, and Your kingdom come on earth,
as it is in heaven.  Amen.

~ written by Christine Longhurst and posted on the Canadian Foodgrains Bank website.