Pastoral Prayer: Soften Our Hearts

Here’s a prayer of intercession from Rev. Karla Miller, Minister for Community Life at the Old North Church in Marblehead, MA. It was posted on RevGalBlogPals.

Pastoral Prayer

Disturbing God,
Your generosity of grace
knows no bounds,
it is unfathomable in depth,
immeasurable in breadth.

You disturb us, provoke us, challenge us
to do the same—
to offer
our resources,
our gifts,
our passions
to make right relations,
to feed the hungry,
to resist evil,
to stand for justice,
to work for dignity for all.

We pray that you soften our hearts,
and open us wider to serve You
with energy and imagination.

We pray now for all the brokenness we are aware of in this world…
(silent prayer)

We pray now for those who suffer from illness of all kinds…
(silent prayer)

We pray now for the concerns that simmer in our hearts…
(silent prayer)

We pray now for the prayers that we have no words for…
(silent prayer)

We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus,
our brother, our teacher, our redeemer, Amen.

~ written by Rev. Karla Miller, Minister for Community Life at the Old North Church in Marblehead, MA. Posted on RevGalBlogPals.