Prayer: Splitting Rocks in the Wilderness (Ps. 78)

Here’s a prayer of praise and commitment inspired by Psalm 78:15, “He split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them water as abundant as the seas.” It was written by Rev. Erin Counihan, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.

(inspired by Psalm 78: 15)

You split rocks open in the wilderness.
You called water to pour forth from the fissures.
To quench your people’s thirst.
To calm your people’s complaints.
To teach us how to trust.

You split rocks open in the wilderness.
You split rocks open in my heart.
You called living water from there, too.
To change your people’s path.
To fuel your people’s journeys.
To teach me how to believe.

You are splitting rocks open in our communities.
You are calling forth the rush of our voices.
To flush out your people’s complacency.
To bubble up your people’s creativity.
To teach us how to act out in faith. (Again)

You are splitting and pouring and helping and churning,
You are rumbling and turning and raining and charging,
and we are trying to follow along.
Not understanding.
Not knowing.
And, yes, complaining.

And You.
You don’t give up.
So, go ahead.
We’re here.
For You.

~ written by Rev. Erin Counihan, pastor at Oak Hill Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in St. Louis, MO. She blogs at This prayer was posted on RevGalBlogPals.