a prayer of commitment inspired by Luke 24:13-35, where the two disciples
encounter Jesus on the road to Emmaus. It was posted on the Christian Aid website.
(inspired by Luke 24:13-35)
'Then their eyes were
and they recognized
him.' (Luke 24:31)
whose presence on our daily road
we often fail to see;
warm our hearts with fresh confidence in your Word,
so that, in making room for the stranger beside us,
we find your hospitality awaiting us,
and the reassurance of your presence
to inspire us to tread the road again
and to share the good news of your resurrection life.
whose presence on our daily road
we often fail to see;
warm our hearts with fresh confidence in your Word,
so that, in making room for the stranger beside us,
we find your hospitality awaiting us,
and the reassurance of your presence
to inspire us to tread the road again
and to share the good news of your resurrection life.
~ posted on the Monthly Prayers page of the Christian Aid website.