Pastoral Prayer: Easter 2

Here’s a pastoral prayer inspired by the suggested scripture readings for the Sunday after Easter, especially John 20:19-31. It was posted on Literature and Liturgy.

Pastoral Prayer
(inspired by John 20:19-31)

Risen Christ, our eternal Savior,
Like the disciples,
we are gathered together the week after Easter:
wondering whether it is true,
marveling at the possibility,
and daring to hope.

Like the disciples,
we are sometimes afraid,
sometimes full of doubt.

But in your extravagant generosity, your boundless love,
you appear to us in our fear and love us in our doubts
and grant us the oceans of your peace.
Thank you for loving us as we are.

Teach us not to hide from our doubt,
but to recognize it as a door to mystery and to deeper faith.
After all, the disciples’ fear became a visitation
as they saw you among them, risen and triumphant.
Thomas’ doubt became a moment of revelation
as he saw and touched you, and finally believed.

This morning we pray for the many men and women in our society
who have no faith at all.
There are so many who live without hope,
without knowledge of your resurrection,
without your light in their lives.
Grant us the courage to live as witnesses to your resurrection.
Risen Christ, be light in our world.

We pray for those in our congregation this morning
who find it difficult to believe.
Lord knows that they are not alone, but in the best of company:
even Christ’s own disciples struggled to believe
all that they had seen and heard.
Loving Christ, it is your presence
that removes all fear and erases all doubts:
so come, and grant the doubting Thomases in our midst
your presence & peace.

And grant to all of us, living Lord Christ,
renewed faith, great courage, and your boundless peace.

We rejoice this morning with…{insert names}

Loving God, we pray for….{insert names}

~ posted on Literature & Liturgy.