Opening Prayer for Graduation

Here’s an opening prayer for a graduation ceremony. It was written by The Rev. Jay Moyers, and posted on the Discipleship Ministries website of the United Methodist Church.

Opening Invocation

To the One who has called us each by name:

As we hear our own names spoken aloud today,
and receive diplomas and certificates of accomplishment,
let us also hear Your voice calling each one present
to receive a word of purpose and direction in life.

We celebrate finishing a chapter in our own history
that we may continue from this day and this place,
to create outstanding stories that surround us every day
and in all places we may find ourselves.
And so, with friends and family who have gathered
to encourage and support these graduates,
we welcome the presence of our Creator,
who has anticipated this moment from the beginning of time.

~ The Rev. Jay Moyers, for Franklin University’s commencement in 2012.  Posted on the Discipleship Ministries website (The United Methodist Church).  If you use this resource, be sure to acknowledge the source.