Graduation Benediction

Here’s a closing blessing for a graduation ceremony. It was written by The Rev. Jay Moyers, and posted on the Discipleship Ministries website of the United Methodist Church.


As your classes and grading are now complete,
may you strive toward excellence in all you do.

As the speeches conclude,
may your voices rise up to pronounce justice and peace in the world.

As the fanfares cease,
may you sing of joy, even in the dark and lonely places.

As the applause quiets,
may you celebrate and lift up those around you.

As you graduate today,
may your achievements grow and cause growth in your communities.

And may we all know the overwhelming blessings
of the One who created all things.

~ The Rev. Jay Moyers, for Franklin University’s commencement in 2012.  Posted on the Discipleship Ministries website (The United Methodist Church).  If you use this resource, be sure to acknowledge the source.