Emmaus Road: Call to Worship

Here’s an introduction, call to worship and opening prayer for Easter 3 Year A, where the story of Jesus’ encounter with the disciples on the road to Emmaus is explored (Luke 24:13-35). It appears on Craig Mitchell’s Mountain Masala website.

Opening of Worship
(inspired by the events in Luke 24:13-35)

Easter is not an event that has occurred
it's an adventure that has begun
not a place that we have visited
but a path on which we stand

a story not complete, but unfolding
characters still breathing
stations still teeming
with the promise of new life
not just for you and me
but for all people, in all places

a cosmic crux
a turning point of time

Easter is the season
of wild hope
of dangerous intent
of potent promise

where the future flaps unfurled
in the spirit’s breeze

where hopes bubble
with uncorked effervescence

where toes tap
to free-form rhythms

where rainbow hues
splash empty canvas

we continue the journey
we re-enter the story
to explore our questions
to uncover our doubts
to face our nagging need

We walk the path
of two who traveled a dusty road
wrapped in confusion and despair
two who shared the company of a stranger
voicing their pain
airing their fears
and in the listening
heard words of hope and promise
and in the eating
received true bread of life

Tonight we re-enter the story
with expectation that Christ
will also reveal himself to us
in sights and sounds
in words and symbols
in bread and wine

Let us pray

Risen Christ
walk with us this night
be our companion and guide
be our teacher and friend
be our host and servant
bringing your gifts of faith, peace and hope
and deep joy
as always

~ words by Craig Mitchell (2005) & Iona Community. In “Emmaus Worship Service,” posted on Mountain Masala: Exploring Spirituality, Culture, Media and Cuisine.”  http://craigmitchell.typepad.com/mountain_masala/files/Emmaus%20Worship%20Service.pdf