Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving
from Thomas Turner’s Everyday Liturgy website.
Almighty God,
Who called his Son into ministry
by the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
and testified that he was the coming King
and testified that he was the coming King
through the good news culminating
on the cross,
hear our prayers of thanksgiving.
You are the God of angel armies,
the God who is triumphant over sin,
healing those who were in its clutches.
the God who is triumphant over sin,
healing those who were in its clutches.
You are the God of life,
the God who is triumphant over death,
hearing the prayer of your Son to pull Lazarus from its grip
and give him new life.
the God who is triumphant over death,
hearing the prayer of your Son to pull Lazarus from its grip
and give him new life.
We thank you that you who were
greeted with praise
at your entry into Jerusalem would humble yourself
in death and empty yourself for us. Amen
at your entry into Jerusalem would humble yourself
in death and empty yourself for us. Amen
~ written by Thomas Turner, and posted on everdayLiturgy.