Prayer of Adoration & Confession: Palm Sunday

Here’s an opening prayer for Palm Sunday, which includes both adoration and confession.  It comes from a collection of Palm Sunday resources put together by Rev. David Lunan, and posted on Starters for Sunday.

Prayer for Palm Sunday

Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you,
our Lord and our Saviour, our Servant and Friend.
We welcome you to this place, where your people have gathered.
We welcome you to our worship, we welcome you to our lives.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Blessed art thou Redeemer King,
for you reign sovereign in our hearts.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed art though
O saviour of the world,
for you have saved us from ourselves,
giving yourself for us in love.

We greet you that we might learn of you,
we learn of you that we might love you.

Yet our love is lukewarm so quickly;
we forget you so easily;
we disown you so readily.
We are changeable in our devotion to you,
bending with the strongest wind, blown off course,
capitulating to our culture.
Lord have mercy.

We want you to help us, without our helping you;
we want your words of comfort, but not your words of rebuke.
Lord have mercy.
We want you to be nice, even if we are not.
We seek heaven hereafter, but worldliness now.
Christ have mercy, and grant us your peace.

Lord save us from our fickleness;
help us to stay the course, to stay with you,
to stand with you, and for you, and beside you.
Grant us your grace to overcome our sin,
grant us your Holy Spirit to enable us to follow you, Lord Jesus,
to have your compassion, your courage, your obedience;
 that we might be strong enough to forgive others,
 to love our neighbours, to strive for justice, to endure the cross,
and to conquer all things with love.

Help us o Father, to open ourselves to receive your Spirit,
and to walk with your Son;
 that even we might be blessed in the name of the Lord;
that even we might sing, now and forever,
‘Hosanna in the highest!’

Hear this our prayer o God,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

~ written by the Very Rev. David Lunan, and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.