Confession: Psalm 51

Here’s a responsive prayer of confession inspired by Psalm 51. It was written by Ann Siddall, and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre website. Although it was intended as a prayer for the start of Lent, it would be suitable anytime Psalm 51 was being used.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Psalm 51)

On this first day of Lent
we pause,
look within
and examine our consciousness.
Have mercy on us, O God,
according to your steadfast love.

Where we have neglected prayer,
been apathetic in worship,
found reasons to avoid generosity,
or lacked compassion:
Have mercy on us, O God,
according to your steadfast love.

Where we have colluded
in the oppression of those
who become invisible in their suffering,
and ignored on the streets:
Have mercy on us, O God,
according to your steadfast love.

Where anxiety has eroded the gift of Your peace,
and where we have cared too much about what others think:
Have mercy on us, O God,
according to your steadfast love.

Words of Assurance

As Lent begins,
know that God understands how we struggle
to stay open and compassionate.
The invitation is not to focus on our inadequacies,
but on God’s gift of grace and love
which transforms our hearts and minds.
That gift is given to us again, here and now.
Be encouraged.

May the peace of God be with you
and also with you.

~ written by Ann Siddall, and posted on the website of the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre.