Prayer of Confession: Psalm 15

Here’s a congregational act of confession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for the fourth Sunday after Epiphany. It was written by Stephen Fearing and posted on Wild and Precious Life.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Psalm 15)

Holy God,
we do not deserve to be in your dwelling place.
We have not led a blameless life.
We have not done what is right in your sight 
or spoken the truth that you have sealed in our hearts.
We have done evil to both those we love 
    and to those we refuse to love as we should.
We have not been faithful stewards of that which we have been blessed
    and have hoarded that which should be shared
    with the least of these.
Hear our cry, God of our hope,
as we confess that which weighs us down…

Redeeming God,
save us from our foolishness and guide us to your wisdom.
Gather us in your righteousness and redemption.
Forgive us for we are seeking your light and your salvation.
Cleanse us of our brokenness that we might do justice,
    love kindness, and walk humbly with you.  Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Because we are not worthy to enter God’s dwelling,
God came to dwell with us
through the body and being of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. 
Christ came to be with us, amongst us, and for us. 
Hear the good news of the Gospel: 
in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!  Alleluia!  Amen!

~ written by Stephen Fearing, and posted on Wild and Precious Life.