Advent Confession: Psalm 80

Here is a prayer of confession and petition for Advent 3 A. It was written by Ann Siddall, and was posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre and Faith Community website. The congregational response comes from Psalm 80:3.

Advent Prayer

In a few days’ time
we will be celebrating
the birth of Christ,
so let us restore our souls,
and refresh our spirits.

Restore us, O God,
let your face shine
that we may be saved. Amen.

Though we are complicit
in the frenzy of consumerism,
the unreality of expectations,
the tension of gift giving,
and the pressure to attend gatherings:

Restore us, O God,
let your face shine
that we may be saved. Amen.

Though we would like
to be more Christ-centred
in our daily lives,
we know we can turn to God,
and be restored. So, we ask:

Restore us, O God,
let your face shine
that we may be saved. Amen.

~ written by Ann Siddall, and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre and Faith Community website.