Call to Worship as Advent Begins

Here’s an advent call to worship from Ann Siddall, and the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre and Faith Community.

She writes, “This call to worship requires the communion table to be empty as worship begins. During the prayer, purple material, a Bible, a candle, and a wrapped gift are laid on the table.”

Call to Worship at the Beginning of Advent

In the midst of frenzied shopping and end-of-year weariness,
we spread out a purple cloth,
(a purple cloth is spread over the communion table)
read again the ancient stories,
(a Bible is placed on the table)
and light a candle in the darkness,
(a candle or an Advent wreath is placed and lit)
to celebrate a visitation.

Gathered here we declare our intention to live
as if the greatest gift in the world
were about to be placed into our hands
(a wrapped parcel is laid on the table),
and as if the Giver has understood
our deepest needs, our most heartfelt prayers.

Like Mary, may we be surprised by our calling;
like Simeon and Anna, may the years increase our faith;
like sleepy shift workers on a hillside, may our eyes be opened;
like Joseph may we listen to our dreams;
for this season requires our creative imagination.

There is a Presence in our world that asks to be seen,
who will stay awake?
There is a coming to our world that seeks a welcome,
who will offer hospitality?
Even now Jesus Christ is moving towards us.

Our worship this morning will include some quiet spaces,
space after the Scripture is read,
space during the offering of our prayers,
and space before the Benediction.
In the spaces you are invited to watch and wait, look and listen.
Christ comes.

~ written by Ann Siddall, and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre and Faith Community website.