Prayer Reflection for Palm Sunday

Here’s a prayer reflection or response to scripture (Luke 19:40) from Roddy Hamilton’s Mucky Paws website.

(inspired by Luke 19:39-40)

Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Him,
"Teacher, rebuke Your disciples." 
But Jesus answered,
"I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!"

(Pile of stones in the middle)

Did the stones know?

Did the stones know
they would soon have to shout ‘Hosanna’
because those who had first shouted it
would soon be shouting ‘Crucify’?

Did Jesus know?

Did Jesus know
that those who followed in this fickle crowd
would soon turn their backs
on the only hope they had

Did Jesus tell the stones?

Did Jesus tell the stones
that they would be needed to shout
for they alone knew
the secret of tombstones

Do we know?
Do we know when to shout
and when to hold silence
as the saviour struggles for love
and love struggles with him

~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on Mucky Paws.