Litany for Celebrating the Passover

Here is a small portion of an intriguing Maundy Thursday or Passover celebration that makes clear parallels with the current refugee crisis. It was written by Rev. Dr. Clare McBeath and Rev. Tim Presswood and posted on Starters for Sunday.  See below for a link to the entire litany.  

Passover Call to Worship

“Wear your traveling clothes as you eat this meal,
as though prepared for a long journey.
Wear your sandals and carry your walking sticks in your hands.
Eat the food quickly, for this is the Lord’s Passover.”  Exodus 12:11

for tonight we remember
the story of Passover
where home was not
a place of safety
where the people lived in fear
and were not free

for tonight we remember
the story of Passover
where home was not
a place of safety
where at any moment
you might have to up and flee

for tonight we remember
the story of Passover
where home was not
a place of safety
quick, grab what you can carry
and go

and as we remember
we pray for those today
who have to grab what they can
and go
for those fleeing war and violence
only to arrive at closed borders

and as we remember
we pray for those today
who have to grab what they can
and go
for those making treacherous journeys
carrying children and plastic bags

and as we remember
we pray for those today
who have to grab what they can
and go
for those who are out in the cold
making their home in a city of tents

~ copyright © Rev. Dr. Clare McBeath and Rev. Tim Presswood. The entire litany can be found on the Starters for Sunday website at   For more from Rev. Dr. Clare McBeath and Rev. Tim Presswood, visit their Dancing Scarecrow website.