Here’s an opening prayer of invocation for Ash
Wednesday. It was written by Rev Mindi,
and posted on the Rev-o-lution blog.
Prayer of Invocation
We have gathered here, loving God,
to mark the season of Lent,
to begin that journey to the cross.
We have gathered here to repent of our sins
publically and privately.
We have gathered here to be in the presence of one
where we can draw strength,
knowing that wherever two or three of us are gathered,
You are present among us.
Guide us throughout these forty days
as we journey deeper into Your embrace,
and as we journey to the cross,
let us put to death those things
that separate us from each other and from you.
May we know Your presence is always with us,
the power of Your transformative love is within us,
and may we know Your grace surrounds us
and is beyond us.
In the name of Jesus,
our companion on this journey of faith, we pray. Amen.