Here’s a prayer at the Table for Christmas from
Cheryl Lawrie’s [holdthisspace]
at the Table: Christmas
The bread and wine we’re about to share
joins us to the people throughout history and across
the world
who have come to this meal in search of life.
Just as Jesus’ birth was for the whole world
this bread and wine is for everyone
for the hungry
for the lost
for those who search
and those who are found
for those who question
and those who know peace
this is bread and wine for everyone.
Let us pray
Holy God, we praise you.
Let the heavens be joyful,
and the earth be glad.
We bless you for creating the whole world,
for your promises to your people,
and for the life we know in Jesus Christ your son.
Born of Mary, he shares our life.
Eating with sinners, he welcomes us.
Leading his followers, he guides us.
Dying on the cross, he loves us.
Risen from the dead, he gives new life.
On the night before Jesus died,
he had supper with his friends.
He took bread,
thanked you, as we have thanked you,
broke the bread,
and gave it to his friends, saying:
this is my body, given for you.
Each time you do this, remember me.
After supper he took the wine,
thanked you for it,
and passed a it to his friends, saying:
This cup is the new promise God has made with you
in my blood.
Each time you do this, remember me.
We pray, God of love, that you will
send your Holy Spirit upon us and what we do here:
that we and these signs, touched by your Spirit,
may be signs of life and love to each other
and to all the world. Amen.
~ written by Cheryl Lawrie, Port Phillip Prison,
Christmas 2007. Posted on the [holdthisspace]
website. She gives permission to
use/adapt this prayer for non-commercial use.