Christmas Eve Prayer

Here's a Christmas Eve prayer from Kathleen Norris. It was posted on

Christmas Eve Prayer

O God, who spoke all creation into being:
When you created human flesh, 
we betrayed you by our disobedience.
When you led us out of slavery in Egypt, 
we doubted and defied you.
Yet you chose to come among us through your Son, Jesus Christ,
who suffered death on our behalf, 
putting an end to the power of sin and death.
For this great gift of your steadfast hope, 
we give you thanks.

Help us, O Lord, to keep vigil this night.
Help us to watch for the signs of your coming into our midst, 
not in the splendid palaces of power, 
but in hearts humbled by need.

Help us to believe that the darkness of cruelty and sin 
will never overcome the light, and the mercy, of Christ.
Help us to endure, 
knowing that the evil and injustice of this world cannot
prevail against your Word.
We ask this in the name of your Word made flesh, 
our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.