Call to Worship: Solstice

Here is a call to worship for the end of the Advent season – specifically, the December solstice marking the shortest day of year.  It was written by Roddy Hamilton, minister at the New Kilpatrick Church in Bearsden, Scotland.

Advent Call to Worship: December Solstice

it is solstice night
it is the death of darkness

for an age
light has been slipping away
but now
no further

it shall return

and in the hearing of the darkness
the light says:
for your light has come

the promise frees itself from the frost
and long nights

there is an awakening
and in the hearing of the darkness
the light says:
the people who have walked in darkness
have seen a great light

the day now
shrunken yet
is filled with hope
and begins to stretch
pushing at the edges of darkness
scraping it away
with hope of new life

and in the hearing of the darkness
the light says:
for unto you a child is born
unto you a son is given

this is a darkness greater than any night
and the light more than the day

right in the heart of the deeper, human darkness
a manger is ready
as the age of brightness returns

the advent promise
has found a place
to chase the darkness
and make room for the light

~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on the New Kilpatrick Church website.