Call to Worship: Come and Give Thanks!

Here’s a responsive call to worship from the Mennonite Church Canada website.

Call to Worship: Come and Give Thanks!

God stretches out the heavens
and shapes the earth.
Come and give thanks!

God raises up the mountains
and pours water into the seas.
Come and give thanks!

God calls forth plants from the soil
and forms animals in infinite variety.
Come and give thanks!

God breathes upon us
and fills us with life.
Come lift your voices in praise!

God gives our lives meaning
through laughter and tears.
Come lift your voices in praise!

God touches our hearts
through family and friends.
Come lift your voices in praise!

God loves us and blesses us
with everything good.
Come and worship!

God loves us and overwhelms us
with never-ending generosity.
Come and worship!

God loves us and surrounds us
with love in abundance!
Come and worship!

~  from the Mennonite Church Canada website.