Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving and intercession from Rev. George Vidits.  It was posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Almighty and everlasting God,
beyond all space and time,
greater than our minds can fully comprehend,
ruler of all that is, has been, and shall be,
we give you thanks for who you are
and all that you have done for us.

Loving Father of all,
we praise you for your kindness and mercy
by which you sustain us and provide for our every need;
you are full of goodness and compassion
caring for us that we are never in want.

Jesus Christ, our Saviour,
we worship you for coming into our neighbourhood
to be our friend, even our brother;
for showing us the magnitude of the love of God,
revealing His saving power and His forgiveness,
and offering us a new beginning.
We lift your name on high, Lord Jesus,
for loving us fully
and giving yourself for our redemption on the cross.

Holy Spirit, free and mysterious as the wind,
powerful as the fire,
we worship you for blowing new life into our hearts,
for purifying us from our sins and faults,
for teaching and reminding us the words of Christ,
and leading us in His light.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
God of gods, and King of kings,
with awe and wonder, joy and gladness
we offer you our thanks,
and pray for your creation,
its nations, and peoples,
for your church,
ourselves and all in need.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
fill our sin-filled world with your eternal light and love,
so darkness and power of evil will not rule,
but your Kingdom will be established in power and glory!
May the flame of your Spirit blaze with purifying fire
driving evil from hearts and minds and establishing your peace.
We pray for… [add relevant issues and concerns here].

We pray these in confidence and trust,
our eternal God,
who is Life-Giver, Life-Saver, and Life-Renewer
now and forever.
To you be the glory,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
today and through all eternity.  Amen.

~ written by Rev George Vidits (alt) and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.