Pentecost Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, Come

Here’s a prayer of invocation and intercession for Pentecost.  It was written by rev karla, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.

Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, Come

Holy One,
We are not sure what it would be like
if the Holy Spirit blew through our churches again
as it did on the day of Pentecost.  
However, we want to speak the language that you have given, 
louder, and  more clearly in  our lives and church.

So we pray,
come Holy Spirit come,
pour out your fire of love upon us 
to be the body of Christ
in a world that is often hurting, hungry, and cynical.

We want to bring the good news to the poor,
heal the broken-hearted,
preach deliverance to captives,
bring recovery of sight to the blind
and set at liberty all that are bruised.

As your disciples,
we pray for all who suffer, are poor,
despairing, burdened, blind and battered.

In your loving breeze,
we pray for health and wholeness for those who are physically ill,
for those who are mentally ailing,
for those who are money sick,
for those who are spiritually unwell.

We pray for the healing of your creation,
and the renewal of the face of the land.
We pray for those who are thirsty,
that they would drink from your fountain of living waters
and never thirst again.


~ written by rev karla, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.