Here’s a prayer of intercession for Easter Sunday
morning. It was written by Rev Karla and
posted on RevGalBlogPals.
for Others on Easter
In the joy and hope of this Easter morning,
we sing Alleluia with the fullness of hearts.
Christ is Risen!
Love is stronger than Death!
In the joy and hope of this Easter morning,
in the midst of our singing and shouting,
we know there are those who are bewildered and
We pray for those that have no hope,
for those who suffer from depression, loneliness,
and fear.
We pray for those places and peoples in our world
where death and domination rule,
where imperial powers ignore the poor,
where war never ends,
where children are hungry,
where parents grieve because they cannot
where accidents happen and death abounds
We pray for those held hostage
to addiction and chronic illness that
In the joy and hope of this Easter morning,
we realize the depth and breadth of what it means
to be your Easter people.
For we are the ones who are called
to go into the places in our lives and world
to work for justice and life for all in your
It is up to us to bear witness to the promise of
to hold those in despair,
and believe for them,
that Love is stronger than death.
In the joy and hope of this Easter morning, O
give us the courage to bear your living Love
in every corner of our lives,
so that your peaceable realm will be so,
here on earth, as it is in heaven.
In the name of the Risen Christ, we pray,
Alleluia! Amen.
~ written by Rev Karla, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.