Blessing and Commissioning for Graduates

Here’s a prayer of commissioning and blessing for graduates from Prof. David Balzer at Canadian Mennonite University. It draws inspiration from N.T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope.

Graduation Prayer

O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth. (Psalm 8:1)

With the Psalmist we stand in awe and humility, O God our Creator,
of the good gifts you have given us in these graduates. 

You have instilled in them an insatiable curiosity
about your world, your people and your earth. 
This curiosity, this thirst for truth
has led them here to this place,
and we are so grateful for the privileged years of friendship,
of diligence and struggle, of new insight and discovery.

And now, as they go from here
we ask that you would graciously continue to fill them
with a deep and abiding knowledge of your love for them. 

And we ask that, by your Spirit,
they may tend to the world and help set it right once again. 
Give them open hearts to feel its pain,
and courage enough not to be overwhelmed by its suffering. 
May they taste the joy of seeing your kingdom come
in every corner of this planet. 

And we ask that, by your Spirit,
they would add to the beauty in your world. 
Fuel them with an imagination as artisans of word, song and deed,
that comes to terms with both the wounds of the world
and the promise of the resurrection. 

And we ask that, by your Spirit,
they may be nourished and renewed by hope,
the good news that God is God, that Jesus is Lord,
and that the powers of evil have been defeated,
and that God’s new world has begun.

May mercy, beauty and hope be theirs, in this world for your glory.

And now we speak this blessing on them:

Numbers 6:25-26
The Lord bless youand keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on youand be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward youand give you peace.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord, Amen.

~ written by David Balzer (Assistant Professor of Communications and Media), for the 2014 Convocation at Canadian Mennonite University, with inspiration from N.T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope (2008).