Prayers of the People for Mother's Day

Here’s a prayer of intercession for Mother’s Day / Mothering Sunday.  It was written by Rev. Gord Waldie and posted on Worship Offerings.

Prayer for Others on Mother’s Day

Nurturing God,
on this Mother's Day we pause to remember the gifts of mothering.
And as we remember we pause to give thanks
for the ways you are a mother to us:
for nurturing us, giving us the guidance and the freedom we need
to grow in experience and wisdom
(even if we are sometimes headstrong and make unwise choices);
for comforting us when we are wounded in body or spirit,
helping us to heal and be stronger for it;
for believing in and challenging us,
calling us to be more than we are,
encouraging us to live out our potential;
for giving us the swift kick in the backside that we need at times,
not letting us coast, reminding us to keep trying and growing;
we offer words of thanks.

Gracious God,
on this day we also give thanks for those who have been like mothers to us.
Some of them are related to us through blood,
some of them have come into our lives through happenstance,
some of them have been part of our lives for decades,
some of them are new to us,
but many people have nurtured, taught, comforted, challenged, encouraged us.
Without them we would not be who we are,
and so we give thanks for them
and all that we have learned from our interactions with them.

And yet, in the midst of our thankfulness, we remember...
We remember that there are those for whom Mother's Day is difficult;
those for whom the relationship between mother and child
is strained, or difficult, or non-existent;
those who are distanced from their mothers,
by geography, or illness, or unhealed hurts, or communication failures;
those  who have said farewell to mothers or children,
not to meet again until we join in the life which lies beyond this life.

For all these mothers and children who meet pain or struggle this day
we pray for comfort, that they would know they are not alone.

We also remember those who want to be mothers but are unable,
those who have given up a child for adoption;
those who wish to know the woman who carried them but never will.
May they too know Your peace.

God of life,
today and everyday we give thanks for the gifts of life.
Today and everyday we also remember the people in the world
who know more about curses than blessings.
Today we remember that the roots of Mother's Day
lie in women's grief at burying husbands and brothers and sons
as a result of brutal warfare.
And so we pray for peace and justice throughout the world.

This we pray in the name of the one
who taught about your love, your justice, your hope for the world,
Jesus of Nazareth, our rock and redeemer, our teacher and guide,
in whose life death and resurrection we find the path
that leads to the Kingdom. Amen.

~ written by Rev. Gord Waldie (revised slightly) and posted on Worship Offerings.